Tofo Resort Adventures
@ Casa Malcampo
Ocean Safaris
Tofo is one of the best places in the world to see the majestic Whaleshark. Reaching lengths of 12 m, these harmless plankton feeders are the largest fish in the ocean and the prime attraction of our Ocean Safaris. They are present year round but their numbers peak in the summer months from November to March
Divemasters give a fifteen minute safety briefing before the launch. Part of this briefing is devoted to educating our swimmers on the importance of the correct interaction between us and the Whale Sharks. There are often chances to swim with Manta Rays and Dolphins on the safari as well. And from June to November here is a chance to add whale-watching to the experience as Humpback Whales cruise the coast on their annual migration. It is an experience not to be missed for both divers and non-divers.
From June through October, it is also possible to see Humpback Whales as they migrate south toward their Antarctic feeding grounds. Mothers swim slowly with their calves while males sing and breach. We don't snorkel with the whales but seeing them in their natural habitat is an awesome experience.